Lauren Winner is an author who you will hear a lot about in the coming months & years. She is a Christian converted from Judaism (as told in her memoir girl meets God). I have heard her described as a female Don Miller. But just as we are waiting for the next Jordan, labeling someone doesn't do them justice. Miss Winner has her own voice, one that is unique & important.
In this, her second book, Miss Winner discusses eleven spiritual practices within Judaism which can be practiced within Christianity (& more likely should be). She writes about each practice & how it is used within Judaism, the importance of it & why Christianity misses out on its importance or blows it off altogether.
She talks about the spiritual disciplines of fasting, sabbath, prayer, eating, mourning, weddings & others. The big thing that you get the sense throughout is the high regard for community life within Judaism. We Protestants claim it as important within our churches & schools, but it seems that Jews are way more intentional about it. It is woven into the fabric of their daily existence.
The other concept I took away from this read was how everything in Judaism is somehow traced back to God. Any activity can be turned into a spiritual act. Not to get off-color or anything, but rabbi's even can spiritualize using the bathroom. I don't think there is much danger bringing God into too many areas of our lives.
This is a quick, fun & quite interesting read. I highly recommend it for anyone wishing to learn more about spiritual disciplines, or about Judaism. I trust it will challenge you & give you yet another author in which you await their next release.
You can purchase Mudhouse Sabbath here for 20% off.
- posted by cubfann
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