Recently, I had a chance to speak with author Tim King. He has recently co-written a book with Frank Martin entitled, Furious Pursuit. The book lays out the passion for which God pursues the hearts of each person. Using a marriage metaphor, Mr. King & Mr. Martin delve into the depths to which God will go to reach us. Here is the interview:

What is your background & what led you to write this book?
I’ve been blessed to work in both business and ministry. Eventually I rose to the level of Vice President of Market Development for a national insurance company. It was a good career, one that many people would give just about anything to achieve, but I felt the call of God in even greater ways and so I left to search out new horizons.
In ministry I’ve found entirely different challenges. I now know how quickly Sundays roll around when it’s time to deliver another message again. I have a heart for pastors/ministers who do this week in and week out. As a former Director of Education I know the difficulty in finding a good curriculum that is user-friendly for my small groups.
In each leg of my journey God has blessed me with many insights regarding life – both its struggles and joys. I’m praying that he will continue to work through me as I continue this journey in the greatest story ever told. I truly believe in the message of Furious Pursuit. The time is right for this message. The message of Furious Pursuit has always been a core message for me.
If your readers could only take one idea away from your book, what would you like it to be?
God made the story made the story all about us by not making the story about us at all. He made it all for us by making the story all about Himself.
What authors have influenced you or the writing of this book specifically?
Frederick Buechner, Scot McKnight, Brian McLaren (in a challenging sense), R.C. Sproul have been just some of the many authors that have influenced me or brought thought-provoking ideas to my mind.
You say in your book that “God has created us to be His primary concern.” Many of the pastors I serve would say that God’s primary concern is His glory. What are your thoughts regarding that?
Isaiah 44.21-23
"Remember these things, O Jacob, for you are my servant, O Israel.
I have made you, you are my servant; O Israel, I will not forget you.
I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist.
Return to me, for I have redeemed you."
Sing for joy, O heavens, for the LORD has done this; shout aloud, O earth beneath.
Burst into song, you mountains, you forests and all your trees,
for the LORD has redeemed Jacob, he displays his glory in Israel.”
His primary concern is His glory. His glory shines through us as we live in His covenantal love.
John 14.15
"If you love me, you will obey what I command.”
Get the order right – love God then live the way you want. A very Augustinian thought.
Would you say that God ever quits furiously pursuing someone who just does not wish to be caught?
Everybody wishes to be caught….they just don’t know it
If they knew God…they would want to be caught
Could you briefly describe God’s Furious Pursuit of your heart?
Steadfast…through all seasons of life. God is always there. Even in those “dark nights of the soul”. God is always to be found. Even in the dark seasons.
How can God’s Furious Pursuit of us move into our Furious Pursuit of others?
God mirrors for us what covenantal faithfulness is. Helps us be more faithful in all our other relationships. Spouse…friends, needy.
Who did you have in mind when you were writing this book?
Ziggy, from the comic strip (who is referenced in the opening chapter of the book) is one who needs love. This is the state of all humanity. We all hit weary seasons.

Would you say the workbook is designed for individuals, small groups or another group more?
Small groups or Sunday school. Big ideas process well in big groups. This is curriculum that will bless churches throughout. Also I have 13 free sermon outlines available to pastors.
What reason would you give to someone deciding to get your book from the myriad of other books out there?
You cannot fake authenticity – I am not in this to be an author. I am in this to rid fear & shame from people’s lives. I want to rebuild people’s faith walk. I believe so strongly in this message, that I am willing to do whatever it takes.
Visit the Furious Pursuit webiste here.
Special limited offer-- email me to receive a free copy of the book, workbook & introductory DVD, shipped free in the contentental US.
Pick up this book for 20% off here.
Check out the workbook here (also 20% off).
Category: 10 Questions with..., Bible Studies
1 comment:
Thanks for posting this interview. I've read Furious Pursuit and really loved it. It is good to hear a message that says "God loves you" and really means it.
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