has some sound, deep insight and have learned much from these faith lessons. I find that after watching the faith lessons series, reading Scripture is opened up and more fully understood. There are Ray Vander Laan is a historian and teacher who takes groups of people to various biblical sites and teaches a "faith lesson" on the biblical & social history of the location. I find that Mr. Vander Laan occurrences that happen, which without proper cultural understanding, would be completely missed. This is also one of the qualities I really admire about Rob Bell.
This volume is the fourth in the series of Faith Lessons & has nine sessions of around 15 minutes each. It is definitely not the most cutting edge or even current presentation you will ever see, but the content (I think) outweighs that fact. This volume will take you through Jesus' life and teaching toward the end of his earthly life. Viewers will travel to Jerusalem, the Mount of Olives, the Sea of Galilee & other biblical destinations.
As far as being a recommendation for Easter, this volume would not be that poignant. Of the nine sessions, only three of them actually deal with both the death and resurrection of Jesus. Others speak about his teaching, one about the day of Pentecost & the gospel moving to the Gentile world. That being said, the sessions flow well with one another, and are excellent biblical teaching. I just might have titled it something different. The Faith Lessons series is a great series & is one that will stretch your faith & definitely broaden your understanding of the Scriptures.
I have not seen this one, but would be willing to speak to it on basis of what I have seen that the Faith Lessons, The True Easter Story, would be a good study for the Easter season.
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