What is a Spiritual Champion? "Individuals who have embraced Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord; accept the Bible as truth and as the guide for life; and seek to live in obedience to its principles and in search of ways to continually deepen their relationship with God. Spiritual champions live in ways that are noticeably different from the norm - even when compared to the average churchgoer."
So Mr. Barna went out interviewing scores of parents who had raised spiritual champions as well as those spiritual champions themselves. (Sadly, I did not make the cut - although through no fault of my parents!) What Mr. Barna found out from those interviews and other research he passes along to the reader.
I found this book to be quite helpful, as my wife & I are preparing for our first child. We have conversations constantly about different ways of raising him/her. Revolutionary Parenting points to one objective as a parent - that of raising your children for Jesus. As a parent, this is your most important duty, according to Mr. Barna. God has allowed you, as parents, to raise his child & we have an obligation to point them back to him.
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