Mr. Boyett's book is a funny, informative companion which will be useful as well as humorous. In the first section, Mr. Boyett defines some terms used in Scripture. He does this with a depth which would please a theologian & a simplicity which a junior high student could grasp. For example, Mr. Boyett defines sin. He explains that there are 2 aspects to it (Universal; Pervasive), why God needed the sacrificial system to counteract sin & Biblical references to sin. And then in his "Use it in a sentence" section he playfully writes, "If 'conveying a false impression of truth' is a good definition of lying, and lying is a sin, then how do all those preachers justify wearing toupees?"
The next section goes into a "Cast of Characters" from Scripture. Here we see people from David to Abishag, from Dorcus to Ehud. Mr. Boyett gives key passages which the characters are in as well as a short biography & their high & low points.
Next Mr. Boyett gives descriptions of each of the books of the Bible. For example, summarizing Lamantations, Mr. Boyett writes, "A sad little five-chapter dirge about the decline of Jerusalem & its destruction by Babylon. Traditionally authored by Jeremiah, an idea we get from 2 Chronicles 35.25, which mentions him writing some 'laments.' But this is disputed." Some overviews are longer, but they are good, basic overviews.
The penultimate chapters are devoted to the writing & translating of our Bible. The first is a timeline of how we received our modern Bible from the writing of the Pentateuch to the Marcion canon. The second chapter is a description of various translations from KJV to TNIV, including when they were published & quick descriptions.
The final chapter is a good one for trivia buffs. It is the "List of Lists." In this section you will find The Four Best Moments for Donkeys; 10 Uses for the Number "Forty"; and Four Biblical Excuses That No Longer Work Very Well.
Overall, a generally enjoyable & educational read.
You can pick up a copy here for 20% off.
--posted by cubfann
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