There is no such thing as a bad question and not every question has to have a well-defined answer. "Everywhere you look in Christianity, you see mysteries piled upon mysteries," writes the author in Sailing Between the Stars: Musings on the Mysteries of Faith. His premise is we don’t need to be so quick in securing an answer for every question asked. Our knowledge is finite . . . why do we pretend we know everything about anything when it comes to spirituality?
Through his captivating, conversational style, poignant stories and poetry, his challenge for the traveling pilgrim is to soak in the mysteries of faith. For some of us, that way of thinking is not in our comfort zone. Yet it’s important to be reminded, we will not lose our salvation by asking questions that may not have a 3-point dissertation as an answer.
Simply put, he has a way with words . . . drawing the reader into a more intimate glimpse of “what it really means to walk this paradoxical, painful, curious journey of believing in God’s Story.” His new favorite word is “agatholkakological” which means consisting of both good and evil . . . human beings being human. That’s you and me!
His musings include these odd but intriguing titles within the twenty chapters: “joy on the front of my pants,” “chewing on God,” and “thoughts on dung and grace.”
He challenges Christ-followers to become more comfortable with a faith full of truth and mystery. We serve a God who’s illogical, unreasonable and not stuck in our limited sandbox of understanding . . . but who is also incredibly and unmistakably true!
The bottom line of Sailing Between the Stars is that by definition God is bigger than our definitions. That's attractive, intriguing and a little bit unsettling to the all of us.
I read an advanced reading copy from uncorrected proofs but it didn’t matter in the least. His collection of random and not-so random musings is easy to read. I look forward to the day I can meet him face to face and thank him for sharing his heart.
Pick up the book here for 20% off.
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