The Blazing Center is a resource which could be used both in a small group setting or a large group / ABF type setting. The 3 DVD's express John Piper's mission of "spreading the passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all people to the glory of Jesus Christ." The 8 sessions contained on these DVD's look to have been given at a youth retreat over a weekend. Rev. Piper lectures to the teens for 30 minutes each session speaking mainly regarding the glory of God.
What Rev. Piper desires to get across in this media introduction to his book, Desiring God, is get this one point across - "God is most glorified in you when you are most satisfied in Him." As Rev. Piper speaks to his audience, he is adamant that how we think, feel & order our lives around God (or not) in our teen years shapes our view of God for the rest of our life (for most people).
I have never been that big into Rev. Piper. In my teen years I tried to read Desiring God & could never get all that into it. I have tried subsequently, but to no avail. I was recently given some MP3 talks that he did in the "Swans are not Silent" series, but found those extraordinarily dull. I have even tried visiting Bethlehem Baptist to hear him live. I am just not a big fan. This material, however, I found interesting. Even though it is simply lecture style, I found it to be a good resource.

There is also a study guide which takes the participant through the DVD & adds an introductory & review lesson, rounding it off for a nice 10-week group study. The study guide is used as a preparation tool for watching the DVD session. Each lesson prepares you for the DVD session with 5 day assignments. For those wanting to go deeper, there is a "Further up & Further in" section. There is a leader's guide included within this study guide.
You can pick up the DVD here for 20% off.
You can pick up the study guide here for 20% off.
Category: Bible Studies
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