I picked up the newly revised Old Testament Commentary Survey by Tremper Longman III. In this book, Dr. Longman evaluates at least a dozen and most times many more commentaries for each book of the Old Testament. Each commentary has a brief description, 5 star scale rating and indication on who is best suited for the commentary (minister, layperson or scholar).
I found the format to be very helpful. Also, in the appendix of the book, all the five star rated commentaries are listed. They are broken down into one volume commentaries, series commentaries and individual commentaries.
The format in the Old Testament Commentary Survey was much more appealing to me, than that of the New Testament Commentary Survey. Dr. Longman offers an easier listing (for me at least), than Dr. D.A. Carson. Dr. Carson writes his survey in a more narrative style, as one would expect him if you were having a conversation with him about commentaries on the book of Titus. Dr. Longman has more of an informational list, broken up outlines style.
In the end, I decided to reference the Bible Speaks Today commentary of Ruth as well as the Tyndale OT Commentary. NICOT was rated the highest for the book of Ruth.
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