
The Love List

In 1 Corinthians chapter 7, Paul is talking about marriage. Paul says that he wishes everyone could be like him - single and single-minded in serving God's Kingdom, but that it is also good to marry. There are some people who get married because that is what's next after college. There are others who get married to not be alone. I am married because I cannot live without this woman I call wife. I love being married. For me, my life on earth began when I got married.
So I am always looking to improve our marriage covenant. The best resource I have found is that of Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott. I was first introduced to their ministry in our engagement class at our church in Michigan. We went through the book, Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts. Since then my wife and I have gone through a number of their books and studies (we are currently working through the i love you more curriculum).
The other day I came across The Love List. It is a small, unassuming book touting eight things that make a big difference in your marriage. I picked it up and found some fantastic thoughts in it. The eight principles are broken up into pairs of things you can do daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly.
My wife and I celebrated our 5th anniversary this past weekend and decided to do the yearly recommendations from The Love List. These are to look back on the past year and recount to one another the highlights, reliving them a bit. As much fun as that is and was, good marriages do not live in the past. So we took the other suggestion as well and plotted a course for the upcoming year. Where would we like to be (not physical location) on our sixth anniversary? What goals and changes would we like to make? What is our vision for this next year?
I found these and all the other suggestions very helpful and highly recommend the Parrott's to you as a great marriage resource.

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