John Calvin was born on this day in 1509. I took a class at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School on Calvin's theology and was able to interact with many different works by and about him. Some of these were,
Calvin: A Sixteenth Century Portrait, by William J. Bouwsma
A Defense of the Secret Providence of God, by John Calvin (Out of Print)
The Institutes of the Christian Religion, by Calvin
The Grace of God and the Will of Man, ed. by Clark Pinnock
The Providence of God, Paul Helm
Calvin on Scripture and Divine Sovereignty, John Murray
Calvin, Francois Wendel. (Out of Print)
I would recommend any of them (the Wendel biography is a bit dry, though - but also out of print).
Also good websites are,
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Calvinism Resources Database
The Hekman Library (Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Mi)
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