
6 Great Reviews

In an effort to be more productive and efficient, I have many website and blog feeds in Google Reader. One of the feeds I subscribe to is Discerning Reader. "Discerning Reader is a site dedicated to promoting good books--books that bring honor to God. At the same time, we hope to help Christians avoid being unduly influenced by books and teachers that are not honoring to God."
I came across this site by a tip from Matt Mitchell, pastor of the Lanse Evangelical Free Church and fellow blog-writer at Hot Orthodoxy. Matt also posts book reviews on Discerning Reader, and has let me post his review of Uprooting Anger on this site.
Recently, 6 newer books were reviewed, and I was impressed with the quality of these reviews. The books cover a wide variety of audiences and are sure to be quite popular titles to their respective audiences. to see the review of each book, simply click on the title. You can also go directly to the Discerning Reader website by following this link.
3:16, by Max Lucado
Get Out of that Pit, by Beth Moore
Simple Church, by Thom Rainer
Quiet Strength, by Tony Dungy
Foundations of Grace, by Steven Lawson
A Taste of Heaven, by R.C. Sproul

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