I recently finished The Four Seasons of Marriage & overall, I enjoyed it. It is not the most profound book, nor is it the best book on marriage, but Dr. Chapman does raise some good issues within its pages & speaks to them quite well.
The overall premise of the book is that each of the four seasons represent four seasons in marriage. Dr. Chapman says that marriages are always in a state of motion, from one season to another, not as predictable or regularly are seasons in nature, but quite similar. To understand the seasons is to be able to thrive & survive them. Dr. Chapman begins the book by describing each of the four seasons & offering a "Seasons of Marriage" profile for you & your spouse to take.
Dr. Chapman then gives seven strategies to help you no matter what season you are in. Whether you are trying to survive difficult times (fall or winter) or maintain the joyful times (spring or summer). The book is filled with stories (if you are into that kind of thing) & practical advise.
Again, it is not on par as his Five Love Languages, but still a good resource.
You can pick this book up at 20% off here.
Category: Marriage
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