"Religion that is pure & undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans & widows in their affliction, & to keep oneself unstained from the world." James 1.27 ESV.
This verse is an eye-opener to me. First, I thought to just be in the world but not of the world was cool. Here I learn that I shouldn't even be stained by the world. It doesn't specify how large or small the stain should be, so I would assume that it would be no stain at all.
I, however, do quite a good job at unstaining myself in helping those less fortunate than I. Sure, I try to help people...but those who are like me, those who don't smell, those who speak my language (English & Suburban), those who I may just as well consider equals.
This is what this book, The Revolution, is about. Remaining unstained by the world, but staining your hands by helping those who need it most. The Revolution is 12 essays from different authors with different passions, but all have the same desire - to spread the gospel of Jesus through reaching out & helping others & maybe changing the world.
When you read this book, you are bound to find at least one topic you are passionate about. They are as diverse as the people whose lives need to be touched.
The Revolution provides ways to educate yourself in each area, how to take action & what ways to pray for the specific situations.
The reason I say that this book is so good that it will make you sick is that there is this kind of atrocity going on, not only in the world, but also in our country. I read parts & was so disgusted with how little I knew & was helping that it made me nauseas. Some of the firsthand stories in the book are not for the faint-hearted, but need to be told.

poverty is so hard to see
when it's only on your tv and twenty miles across town
where we're all living so good
that we moved out of Jesus' neighborhood
where he's hungry and not feeling so good
from going through our trash
he says, more than just your cash and coin
i want your time, i want your voice
i want the things you just can't give me
Some of the topics within The Revolution are hunger, clean water, poverty, gangs, & women's rights. There is surely something which you can donate to, write a politician about, physically help the situation, or even spread the word about. This book is a must read & very important.
This book is $9.59 here. Seriously...if you read only one book aside from the Bible this year, let it be this one.
Category: Social Justice
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