In this often humorous collection, reminiscent of his earlier books, “Real Christians Don't Dance” and “True Believers Don’t Ask Why?” prolific author John Fischer relates his sometimes less-than-perfect attempts to follow Jesus and live an authentic life of faith in his own “vintage, free-flowing, going off on a few tangents here and there,” style of communicating.
He shares real life examples from his childhood, marriage as well as one from an older married couple who were his close friends. Almost every chapter, in some way, is tied to Fischer's favorite brew . . . coffee!
Fischer's transparent discomfort with his feelings at the local Koffee Klatch is refreshing and leads him to dig deeper, asking hard questions. Sometimes there is a point to his musings, sometimes it is a little difficult to discern what he wants the reader to take away. In spite of strong material, there is a rambling aspect to “Confessions” that makes it easier to pick up and read in short bursts, rather than as one long narrative.
The bottom line of “Confessions” is simply an exhortation: Christ-followers who are just “observers” of life need to put the kick back into their coffee becoming more engaged
with their world, risking being more uncomfortable and vulnerable! It’s time to lose the ultra-conservative mindset of childhood . . . and get messy by being involved.
If you want to be challenged and given a little push back in your faith-walk, pick this up . . . read it and then pass it on to another Christ-follower.
Pick this title up here for 20% off!
--posted by Dale Lewis
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